Becky Wenninger
Title: Athletic Trainer
Phone: 567-661-7964
Phone: 419-754-PLAY (24-Hr Hotline)
Year: 1st Year

Becky Wenninger (MS, ATC) is in her first year an an associate certified athletic trainer at Owens Community College, and she is employed through Mercy Health. 

Along with Katlyn Gail, Wenninger is charged with overseeing the entire athletic training department at Owens.

Wenninger received her master of science degree in exercise science from the University of Toledo in May of 2015. Prior to that, she received her bachelor of science degree in athletic training from Wilmington College in May of 2013.

Wenninger is a native of West Carrollton, Ohio, which is a suburban city just south of Dayton, Ohio. She graduated from West Carrollton High School in June 2009.